#98 The Financial Secrecy Index: world’s worst offenders
#97 Another Great Depression?
#99 Climate crisis, transition and tax

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In this special extended Taxcast, Naomi Fowler takes you on a whistle-stop guided tour on an express train around the world with some of the Tax Justice Network team, looking at the worst offenders selling secrecy services according to the latest Financial Secrecy Index results What can nations can do to protect themselves and their populations from financial and legal secrecy?

Featuring: John Christensen, Moran Harari, Rachel Etter-Phoya, Andres Knobel, Alex Cobham of the Tax Justice Network. Produced and presented by Naomi Fowler, also of the Tax Justice Network.

The Financial Secrecy Index was first published in 2009. So we now have over 10 years of data to draw on…and it shows that civil society can really make a difference.

Non-OECD countries should recognise that OECD member States are only interested in protecting their own interests and cannot even begin to pretend that they are representing the interests of the rest of the world. So if the non OECD member States, in other words, the rest of the world, want to become rule makers, not rule takers, then they need to reject the pretensions of the OECD member States to be the rule makers. We need a global, legitimate rule maker. And ideally it should be the United Nations that takes on the role of making the rules for the whole of the world.”

~ John Christensen

Find out more:

  • There’s more information on the Financial Secrecy Index here.
  • The full podcasts on each region are available here.
  • Webinars on the index, including tutorials are available here.
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The Taxcast
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#142 Blockchain havens
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The Taxcast
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The Taxcast
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