Welcome to the latest episode of the Tax Justice Network’s monthly podcast, the Taxcast. You can subscribe either by emailing naomi [at] taxjustice.net or find us on your favourite podcast app. In this month’s episode:
- we know the world’s broken. Apparently we need $9 trillion a year to fix it. We find out how we can do that and ensure a just transition with wealth transfers through taxation and strategic deployment of finances with Ben Tippet of the Transnational Institute. You can read Paying for the Pandemic and a Just Transition here.
- Casino Capitalism: what really happened with the Gamestop frenzy and what does it tell us about ‘investment?’
- Plus: three pieces of really good tax justice news…
The transcript is available here (some is automated and there may be small inaccuracies)
“We can do this, you know, there are solutions. The next 20 years could be one in which we rebuild a more just global economic system.”
~ Ben Tippet of the Transnational Institute
- Ben Tippet of the Transnational Institute
- John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network
- Hosted and produced by Naomi Fowler of the Tax Justice Network
“In the same way that Bitcoin has surged in price, the Gamestop bubble has no rooting in any kind of economic reality. The term ‘investment’ is very widely used and abused by politicians and by journalists. We need to see huge investment directed towards a new energy efficient, non-fossil fuel market. There’s a huge transition facing humanity and at the moment, I don’t think markets are in any way geared to making that kind of transition.”
~ John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network
Further reading:
- For those who are interested to read more on Gamestop, there’s an excellent article here from Max Haiven who will be a guest on the Taxcast soon! Also another article from Matt Stoller here.
- You can read more from the Tax Justice Network on the “tide-turning moment in the global struggle for tax justice” here.